Every year, more than 100,000,000 animal individuals are killed for their furs, having lived out a terrible existence in horrible conditions. They are finally released from their brutal and agonizing fate by death - often just minutes to even several hours after being skinned alive, or in some cases, under will-less anesthesia.(1)
In this blog post, we go in-depth to reveal the inhumane cruelty that fur farming inflicts on innocent, sentient creatures and the despicable means by which this industry tries to remain active.
Fur causes its endless victims inconceivable pain, suffering and ALWAYS leads to murder.
Fur is the shed skin including the hair of an animal. It is usually made into clothing and accessories. Species such as rabbits, foxes, martens, beavers, minks, bobcats, cougars, ermines, otters, seals, skunks, squirrels, bears, chinchillas, badgers, raccoons, and raccoon dogs and, despite the EU ban on trade, dogs, cats, and many other animal species are (ab)used for fur production.(2)
Fur causes its endless victims inconceivable pain, suffering and ALWAYS leads to murder.
About 170,000 years ago, humans began to make clothing out of animal skins and furs. Furs were important for the survival of humanity throughout history because in winter there were not enough resources to protect themselves from harsh winds and icy weather conditions. Nowadays it is no longer necessary or tolerated, but an ugly statement for the acceptance and promotion of animal cruelty.(3)(4)
As early as the 11th century, fur was worn as a symbol of wealth and social status, and not just for the benefit of warmth. European royalty regularly wore fur coats, fur capes, and fur accessories made of mink, sable, and chinchilla fur. Around 1300, laws were passed that regulated which social classes could wear which types of fur.
For much of the medieval population, fur was a sign of wealth and status while the Romans had the opposite opinion, that only barbarians wore furs.
The fashion industry’s increasing demand for furs led to the development of fur farms in the 1870s. By the 1960s fur became more casual and therefore more affordable than ever before.
Anti-fur campaigns were popularized in the 1980s and 1990s, with the participation of numerous celebrities. Fur clothing has become the focus of boycotts due to the opinion that it is cruel and unnecessary.(5)
If only we could feel their fear and hear the screams of those who are imprisoned, tortured, and skinned alive. If only we could feel their fear and hear their screams when we see fur on someone. We would not tolerate this cruelty one more bit.
Fur farms are prisons and death camps. They have only one goal: killing for profit.
Animals are crammed into tiny, structureless cages where they are left to linger for months, awaiting their gruesome deaths. They are repeatedly beaten in the head and face with a metal rod to kill them. They get their necks snapped or are miserably gassed to death. Another method of killing is electrocution with a steel rod, which is passed through the rectum of the individuals to remove their skin. Most of them are still fully conscious, as not using anesthesia is more cost-effective and less time-consuming. After skinning, the bodies are discarded like garbage and the individuals slowly die from these unspeakable violations.(1)
Not all animals used for fur production suffer on fur farms. Individual animals are also killed by firearms (entertainment) or set traps to sell their fur afterward. 90% of the animals caught in traps do not belong to the species for which the traps were set. They are a waste for the fur industry. In total, about 600 million animals are caught in cruel traps worldwide every year to satisfy the demand of the fur industry.(6)
Although nowadays it is absolutely clear that fur is a crime, murder, and absolute failure of modern civilization, there are still companies that make a lot of money from the suffering and murder of innocent animals. These companies claim that they are “in the service of the people and their well-being.” They also claim the following, and I am setting the record straight with facts:(7)(19)(20)
“It’s about time that the fashion industry woke up to the fact that fur is all people need to survive the winter season without layering themselves up in unfashionable clothes.”
This is completely wrong because there are multiple other fabrics that do not come from animals that can retain heat and repel cold and water. It is not at all necessary to buy fur, but a selfish and cruel decision.
“Real fur is natural and sustainable. Over time, real fur begins to biodegrade.”
This statement is not true. Animal fur comes from animals that are bred in unnatural and not species-appropriate captivity. They are mistreated and tortured by also being exposed to unnatural environments and given as little food as possible. Furs today are processed with chemicals that are hazardous to health and to the environment (more on this later).
“Fur is environmentally friendly.”
Wrong. Fur production is a disaster for the environment. From the excrements of the farmed animals, which are a perfect breeding ground for dangerous viruses and bacteria (see ‘Fur Farms & Viruses’ below), to the tanning and finishing of fur with various environmentally harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, chromium, ammonia, chlorine, ethylene glycol, sulfuric acid and zinc applied to the fur to prevent it from decaying.
“Fur provides benefits for health. What you wear speaks volumes about your personality, and it also impacts your health.”
Exactly. That’s why fur is just wrong because it is unimaginably violent towards animals. What does supporting an industry that allows other sentient beings to be skinned alive say about you and your conscious choices, values, and personality?
“Real fur is a fashionable option.”
Real fur causes 100 million of innocent animals their lives. It is not fashionable, it is violent. The values someone portrays by wearing a murdered animal around their neck or over their own skin are not comprehensible and inhumane.
The Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety (4th ed.) states that “…various chemicals used in the fur industry are potential skin irritants.” Toxins used in fur and leather production (mentioned above) may bring an increased risk for cancer.(8)
In Western countries, dogs and cats are the most popular and loved companion animals. Therefore, it is unacceptable for people to breed these animals for their fur or meat, and they also do not want to accidentally buy products that contain such fur. The outrage is intense when it comes to the murder of certain animal species!
Real animal fur from various species, including cats and dogs, is often intentionally declared as faux fur in pre- or post-production because synthetic sources are often more expensive.(9)(10)
Breeders sell cat and dog furs to companies in Europe, who incorporate the fur and skin of the animals into clothing and products such as cat toys or stuffed animals. Products consisting partially or wholly of cat and dog fur are then sold to buyers all across the globe.(11)(12)
“This is a double scandal—violating the rights of consumers who are not being protected from unfair trading, and artificially inflating the market for animal fur, causing immense suffering.”, says The Humane Society.
WelFur, a term which is supposed to sound just like ‘welfare,’ has absolutely nothing to do with welfare. Nothing. It couldn’t be further from the truth. This is pure mendacity, hypocrisy, and manipulation to dumb down the buyers. The ‘WelFur’ certification program is run by the fur industry itself and is aimed at European fur farms. It is a cynical PR tool designed to make animal cruelty acceptable.
Fur farms and fur producers often promote fur farming in a favorable light, falsely calling it sustainable, natural, and resource-saving for their benefit and to shape their image.
So what is ‘WelFur?’ Farmers are stating the following publicly:
“Meeting these requirements assure that farmed animals are both well cared for and humanely euthanized.”
“The code covers a broad spectrum of topics, such as housing environment, biosecurity, feeding management, health, welfare, husbandry, transportation, and euthanasia. These standards are based on scientific research and promote sound welfare practices.”
“We continue to forge links so we can work more effectively to develop a comprehensive program that will systematically and compassionately move the industry forward enabling us to meet the evolving demands of our markets.”(21)
It is no coincidence that fur farms throw around terms like “compassionate, welfare practices, science, humane euthanasia,…” and thus objectify the animals and make animal cruelty and murder seem like something good and professional when in reality it is pure torture.
It is also important to know that the origin of fur does not say anything about the real keeping conditions of the animals, no matter which ‘animal welfare’ seal they carry and which existing regulations and laws apply.(13)(14)
➸ Here’s a executive summary 'Certified Cruel' by Four Paws on WelFur.
It is no longer a secret that animal farms and deadly viruses and the resulting epidemics and pandemics are linked, yet our systems and governments fail repeatedly when it comes to finding a long-lasting solution involving radical change.
“Since April 2020, COVID-19 outbreaks have affected more than 450 mink fur farms in Europe and North America, resulting in the culling of over 20 million animals. The crowded, stressful, and unhygienic conditions on intensive mink fur farms make them the perfect breeding ground for infectious diseases. They also have the potential to create coronavirus reservoirs that could pose a risk to public health and the effectiveness for future vaccines.”, states the organization Fur Free Alliance.(13)
“When the virus is introduced into a mink farm, it can spread quickly, leading to many cases among mink. Due to a large number of infections and possibly due to biological differences between mink and humans, the virus can accumulate mutations. Such variants have the possibility to spread back into the human population.”, states the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).(15)
This resulted in the mass slaughter of more than 1 million mink so far.(16)
The World Health Organization (WHO) writes a full article about “New assessment shows high risk of introduction and spread from fur farming of the virus that causes COVID-19.”(17)
➸ Read more about “The Vicious Circle Of Zoonotic Diseases”
Commercial trapping for fur production was banned in Austria in 1995. At the end of November 1998, the last fur farm in Austria had to close. Although fur production is banned, the cruel trapping of animals and the import and sale of fur are still allowed.(6)
Actively speaking out against fur is easy and requires only a few resources. Here are some suggestions on how to be effectively active:
Share information online, educate others and motivate them to actively speak out against fur.
Go to an anti-fur demonstration in your area or organize a street activism event yourself or with others in your city or town.
Do sticker activism.
Distribute flyers that educate people about the cruel practices in the fur (animal skin and hair) industry.
Give a talk at your school or university if you are free to choose the topic.
Sign petitions. Even if you doubt the effectiveness of petitions, it is better to sign them than not to try at all.
Financially support and/or share the work of animal journalists, risking their lives, mental and physical health to document the horrific conditions of animals confined in fur farms.
Donate to professional, legitimate, abolitionist animal activism associations and organizations.
No matter what you decide to do, do something! You can make so much difference as a single person.
Please check out this page and make the change!
Support this educational content!
(1) The Humane Society - Investigation Reveals Animals Brutally Beaten And Skinned Alive
(2) The Fur-Bearers - What Is A Fur Bearer?
(3) Naturhistorisches Museum Wien - Leather, furs and skins from the hallstatt mines
(4) The Cambridge Institute - The technology of paleolithic clothes (PDF)
(5) Treehugger - Historical Timeline of the Animal Rights Movement (original sources linked to the article)
(6) Verein gegen Tierfabriken, VGT - Pelzfakten
(7) Mark Kaufmann Furs - Why Fur Is Back In Fashion?
(9) The Humane Society - Mislabelled fur UK
(10) Fur Free Alliance - Mislabelled and Misleaded, Fur labeling problems in the EU market (PDF)
(11) World Animal Foundation - Dog & Cat Fur
(13) Fur Free Alliance - Covid 19 on mink farms
(14) Four Paws - Executive Summary of Fur Farming
(16) The Fur-Bearers - Over 1,000,000 mink killed in Europe due to Covid 19
(18) Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes - Tierschutzgesetz (Stand 11.1.2022)
(19) Morris Kaye & Sons Furs - 6 Reasons Why You Should Be Wearing Real Fur
(20) Truth about Fur - 5 Reasons Why We Must Wear Leather and Fur
(21) Sustainable Fur - Fur Farming & Animal Welfare, WelFur
Please note:
➸ when the term "human" is used, then human animals are meant by it, and the same applies to the term "animal", who are non-human animals.
➸ text and illustrations are intellectual property of Kerstin Brueller. Sharing the content for private purposes is appreciated and always to be provided with a copyright. It is prohibited to copy and share it for commercial purposes. Please contact me for a collaboration, if you are unsure or have any further questions. Thanks for your understanding.
➸ I personally care much about symbolism and the meaning of certain shapes and metaphors. The images and interpretations are the representation of my own imagination.
➸ I dearly care about an inclusive language. Language is always evolving and I myself learn something new every day.