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Veganism is about anti-speciesism, why do we still make it about ourselves?

It is so often communicated, usually by larger accounts, that veganism should not be viewed “so strictly.” What does that even mean? Veganism is often quite wrongly associated with “perfectionism, abnormal and stressful restrictions and shame.” But it’s quite the opposite and quite simple: Do anything in your power not to harm animals and educate others about their suffering, the mass murder, and the massive species-related injustice happening to trillions of non-human animal individuals per year.

The term “plant-based” is often proposed to be able to escape the conscience again, if one decides to use animal products after all, due to convenience and social pressure—a conscious decision to purchase animal-derived products that result in inconceivable animal suffering, animal exploitation, and murder.

Many people are unfortunately still not aware of the facts and WHY they need to stop using animals and avoid animal-sourced ingredients in any way.

We need to stop making veganism about ourselves. Veganism has nothing to do with our perfection or convenience, but once again we make it about ourselves by saying so. But I am no more surprised by our anthropocentric worldview.

Veganism is about UNDERSTANDING. Understanding what consequences our direct actions have on other (non-human) animals. It has to do with the willingness to recognize the injustice and a strong will to counteract it.

Get your facts straight.

If you are still (consciously) consuming animal-derived products, you are supporting an industry that is using, abusing, torturing, exploiting, and ruthlessly killing other animals, which you claim to respect and love so much. It’s hard to hear this, I know, but it needs to be said.

You wouldn’t make any exceptions when it comes to other social injustices, right? Why should it be any different when it comes to anti-speciesism and veganism? Why do ethical views and actions all of a sudden can be adapted to your convenience?

If you still disagree watch “Dominion” on YouTube (direct link) to see what your actions, exceptions, and plant-based views have on other animals.

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Kerstin Brueller

I am a qualified graphic designer, illustrator, designer, an enthusiastic writer and speaker in the field of ethics and animal liberation, and one of the founders of the vegan merch collective RULE OF NINES based in Vienna/Austria.

