I’ve been taking a social media break over the past two weeks because my mind was rushing, my heart was screaming and crying and I couldn’t bear this constant feeling of frustration, anger, hopelessness, and sadness anymore.⁣

I don’t talk about it often because I keep this channel focused on educational, animal-related topics, knowing it will reach the right people at the very right time. But to continue to pretend that all the information and knowledge of what is done to animals doesn't affect me would not be honest, and I want to keep it real. I value authenticity, that’s why this is written.⁣

“What positive influence can I be, if I let it break me?” …⁣

I have thought about this question a lot, and as much as I wanted to keep on going, my intuition and my body have shown me that it is time for a break. I realized that I don't even know how to take a break and it is quite a philosophical discussion and chaos of thoughts to define what a break can mean and what kind of break is needed at a certain time.⁣

For me, it was time to focus on something else for a while and find time to think, reflect, and feel, then come back with fully charged batteries to continue but learn from my thoughts and reflections to do it sustainably. I confronted my feelings. I let them hit me, I let it get to me and feel the weight to let them go.⁣

We must talk about it. Apart from the overwhelming fact that innocent animals are abused every second of every single day, one is often misunderstood or not heard when one speaks the truth, even if one only means well.⁣

I also know the feeling of never doing enough, of questioning our impact, and slowly burning out in the process because we want others to see and feel it too, so badly.⁣

Know, that your words make a difference, often in an unexpected, surprising way. Trust in yourself by listening to yourself. Be good to yourself as you are good to others. Take a break, whatever it means for you. You don't let anyone down, on the contrary, you create energy to not let anyone (including yourself) down.⁣

How have you been lately?⁣

📷 @rauschbild_

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Kerstin Brueller

I am a qualified graphic designer, illustrator, designer, an enthusiastic writer and speaker in the field of ethics and animal liberation, and one of the founders of the vegan merch collective RULE OF NINES based in Vienna/Austria.

