If testing on dogs is wrong, why is testing on guinea pigs, mice, rabbits, etc. right?
Like, why do we as humans think that we have the right to determine the value of someone else’s life and (ab)use them whatever way we want?
Why do we consider ourselves so superior to other sentient beings who have different but equally amazing traits that we simply oppress them and think that taking dominion over them is somehow justified?
We totally miss the trait that was given to us as humans. Moral standards. Why are we this way?
There is a fundamental principle that a person's rights should only be restricted where another person's rights are violated—most critically, when a person's life, health, or freedom from confinement is in danger.
When it comes to animal ethics in animal experimentation and testing for all kinds of products (cigarettes, cosmetics, household products, menstrual products, cars, etc.), the majority of people have never thought about their stance, really.
No wait, … many may have thought about their stance, but not their actions.
Most would consider animal experimentation and tests unethical, cruel, disgusting, violent, brutal, ... but when it comes to some cases they think there are no other ways. This couldn't be further from the truth.
But even if there were no other way, using others without their consent in experimentation would never be ethical, would it? If we put ourselves in the victim's position for just a moment, we would understand that IMMEDIATELY.
So why do we think that some lives matter more than others? Out of any individuals’ position, their life matters to them. And that is ALL THAT MATTERS!!! If we can understand that, why are we still funding industries that are exploiting, abusing, torturing, and murdering other animals for us?
If you love animals, if you respect animals, and if you have any form of decency, then you will stop killing them for your sensual pleasure and realize that your taste buds are not more important than the life of another being.
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