Imagine someone saying in court “Well, I confined and killed that person because I wanted to” … and the judge would say “Oh okay, that changes everything. If you wanted to, you are therefore innocent.”
But before you roll your eyes and skip this post, hear me out!
Wouldn’t you agree that personal preference is not a valid justification for harming, hurting, and killing someone? If you agree, we are already on the same page.
Now the question is, why is a non-human animal’s life worth less than a human animal’s life? We all have the same needs in life, don’t we? Namely to live, be happy, be healthy, be loved and cared for when in need? And that is what matters.
Killing someone out of personal preference or curiosity is morally unacceptable, yet this anthropocentric world we live in practices the oppression of other animals and communicates it as such to get people to continue to support violence and murder.
The legal systems that exist are anything else but just. According to law other animals (our companion animals included) are labeled properties, commodities and are treated as objects "which" we can mostly treat and act as we please with impunity at the expense of those individuals.
Legality does not equal morality.
If we respect nature and animals, stand up for social justice, equality, love, freedom, and peace, as many constantly preach, or if we have at least a tiny bit of decency, we need to leave animals alone. We need to leave them off our plates, out of our wardrobe and do not use them for personal entertainment and preferences.
If we dare to look deeper and reflect on our basic values, we will quickly realize that the consumption of animal carcasses and secretions does not fit into a just world in which we want to live.
The thing is, we can’t force anybody to do anything. But we shouldn’t have to. We should make sure to communicate and practice a way of morality, empathy and social understanding, justice and critical thinking, that children and adults shouldn’t even want to eat the lives of others away.