It was my four-year Veganniversary on the first. I’m still alive.

My partner and I decided to go vegan in December 2017. Nevertheless, we marked 1/1/2018 as the day and time when we understood what veganism is about. Namely, the rights, freedom, and justice through the integrity of non-human animals resulting in an adapted way of thinking and acting (including nutrition).

In late 2017 we confronted ourselves with the uncomfortable reality of how some animal species are treated by us humans and it instantly clicked that we’ve been part of this mass exploitation and mass murder. We were never the same again.

2018 was the beginning of a different life for us. We found out about the capacity of human darkness and propensity for violence, the conditioning, ignorance, and carelessness of humans, and the uncountable ways humans torture, exploit and murder others.

We asked ourselves what kind of fantasy world we lived in the past 29 years of our lives and actively chose to distance ourselves as far as possible from it. Hasn’t it been for outstanding documentaries on Netflix (list on my website) and restless animal activists on YouTube and Instagram I’m sure it would have taken us way longer to understand the main focus of veganism—animal ethics—and how it is interconnected with other social justice movements.

Knowing what was being done to animals, also in my name, for so many years made me sick to my stomach. It made me mad, it made me sad, angry, frustrated and I felt quite hopeless and helpless—and yet I understood that I am not helpless at all, but an important part of a strong, courageous and passionate movement.

Deciding to end animal cruelty and being open to learning more and more each day is the key to making a successful and lasting decision for change.

There has not been a single day in those 1461 days that I (and we) have regretted making this decision that would change my entire perspective and view on life, and which has generously opened doors to find out who I am.

If you’re not yet vegan, sign up for a vegan kickstart program of your choice. The only thing you’ll regret is that you didn’t do it sooner.

➸ visit my Instagram

Kerstin Brueller

I am a qualified graphic designer, illustrator, designer, an enthusiastic writer and speaker in the field of ethics and animal liberation, and one of the founders of the vegan merch collective RULE OF NINES based in Vienna/Austria.


