Non-human animals surround us every single day and they have always been a part of our lives, consciously or subconsciously.
Whether it is the birds we hear in the morning when we wake up or the cat who crosses our way when we are on our way to the bus stop to go to school/work. If it is a dog when we sit in a café and he*she looks at us with big hopeful doggy eyes to get a bit more of our attention.
I am most certainly sure, that one of your first children's book you got from your parents was probably one that showed non-human animals and you were eagerly trying to imitate their voices because your parents thought it is important for you to know how they communicate with each other.
You might have lived with a cat or dog companion in a household, who you cared for and truly felt connected to and couldn't imagine your life without them, as they were an equal member of the family for you.
Companions are someone whom you drive to the vet if they behave differently than usual or when they are in pain, and you always want to make them happy because they make you happy and always greet you with joy when you have been away only for a few minutes.
You may have probably lost a non-human animal friend and accompanied them through their tough times and their last moments on this planet and the world broke down for you in that very moment because there was nothing more you could do and you got to experience the loss of a dear and best friend, a partner for life.
You got to experience that their life was precious to them and to you and you would have done anything to keep them around for just one more day.
We all have one thing in common. We want to live in peace.
You recognized how beautifully unique non-human individuals are in looks and even more important personality and how many amazing skills they have to get what they want and to assure their survival and the survival of their descendants.
Non-human animals are fascinating and we all know it. They show individual and unique personalities if we let them. They have individual needs. They feel, they dream, and they grief. They love and care and show affection. They can suffer and they can feel pain due to their central nervous system and brain. Non-human animals might show emotions differently than we do or in a way, we can't visually see, and even if they can't show emotions and wouldn't feel the way humans do, we all have one thing in common. We want to live in peace.
If we recognize companion animals or those "worthy to defend and protect" like dogs, cats, whales, giraffes, rhinos, tigers, etc. have unique personalities, emotions, and feelings why don't we ever question what happens to cows, pigs, chickens, fish, goats, sheep, and all those individuals that fall under "farmed animals" due to our fucked up social norms and construct?
Why are they seen as "secondary life forms"? Why do we think it is ok to feel superior to them?
We hold them captive and use them in any way possible. We lock them into tiny cages, let them rot in their feces, claim that we “care” about them, when caring for us means providing cheap food for them, which will then only benefit us, when we can finally take from them - their bodily autonomy, their babies, their secretions and their lives.
And yes, this happens with organic, grass-fed and free-range animals too.
We enslave them, rape them (artificially inseminate them), and murder them against their will. Why isn't that shown in those children's books we get for our birthdays?
We like to keep up this happy and romantic image of “happy animals, happily asking us to take their children away and happily giving us their breast secretions”, when the reality is everything else but a happy one for them.
It is so sad, that we as human animals with a huge capacity of empathy, have to lie to ourselves to keep on doing what we are doing. The corrupt system we live in spends an unimaginable amount of money on advertising to keep up all those lies, so they can make the most profit out of the suffering and violence done to animals.
♥ Read about "Empathy, Veganism And How to Develop It" HERE
Due to moral agency, ethical understanding, and being able to feel empathy the human species has evolved to a species of feeling, and practicing love not hate. Greed, ignorance, and selfishness let us take the side of the oppressor rather than being part of nature and in alignment with our morals.
If the word "humane" means showing benevolence, kindness, compassion, and protecting the weak - can we even call ourselves humans?
We need to wake up. We have to see the world for what it truly is, because if you are still consuming and wearing animals, letting companies use them to entertain you and to test your household products and beauty products on their innocent bodies, then you are part of the problem.
It is on you whether you decide to participate in this massive injustice and violence or you say “enough”, stand up, speak up and actively live the change you want to see in this world and promote it as such to always strive to be a better version of yourself.
Ask yourself what kind of person you want to be. One that is funding animal suffering and cruelty, or one who is fighting it and defending and protecting non-human animals for justice for all.
Please note:
* when the term "human" is used, then human animals are meant by it, and the same applies to the term "animal", who are non-human animals.
All definitions of words and/or stated facts are based on the correct terminology and are carefully research and the sources taken are linked here or directly in the blog post. This blog post is also stating a personal opinion and views on certain topics.
All shown illustrations, photos and graphics are our own and are highly restricted to be copied and used freely, without any permission and without credits. When sharing (non-commercial) always credit! Thank you!